My personal virtual evolution

My personal virtual evolution

I have been an advocate of collaboration and remote work for years, but I’ve lately been attracting attention because of my LinkedIn Learning courses, especially “Managing Virtual Teams” and “Business Collaboration in the Modern Workplace.” While it’s amazingly...
Can we (video) talk?

Can we (video) talk?

So, a lot of people are going to disagree with me on this, but I really like video calls. I think it is one of the best and most effective communication tools we have available to us these days. I know this isn’t fashionable – texting is absolutely #1. I know people...
Giving your workers what they need

Giving your workers what they need

Providing truly meaningful employee experiences goes a little deeper than many companies are ready to deal with. As I’ve said before, I think it’s great that there’s been so much focus recently on employee well-being. That being said, I believe that a lot of companies...
What does real collaboration look like?

What does real collaboration look like?

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about “collaboration” as an abstract concept, and I‘m starting to feel we’re going about it all wrong. I think there’s a conceptual trap that many people fall into – and which I have found myself in, too. When you start thinking about...
Modeling the change you want

Modeling the change you want

Leaders must lead by example to make cultural transformations stick I have sat through innumerable sessions in my professional life based on improving corporate culture, improving morale, and improving trust and relations between employees. Some of these have given me...
The plight of the American worker

The plight of the American worker

Companies Pay Lip Service to Employee Well-being, but Fail to Deliver I read a lot of articles online these days about how Company X and Company Z value their employees so very much, about how they’re committed to providing the best working experience, enrichment...